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Islam is a social religion, not in the sense that it is through society alone that religion breathes its sacred spirit in the individuals, but in the sense that it aims at inculcating God-consciousness both in individual and society

The basic principle of Islam, whether in relations with Muslims or non-Muslims, is interaction, peace, tolerance and friendship, and that war in Islam is forbidden except for defense. In other words, the nature of war in Islam is a defensive one, not an offensive one. Given that a large part of the world's population consists of followers of the world religions, their view of concepts such as tolerance, peace, and reconciliation are extremely important.

CIDA-Uganda designed the Da’wah component of the program as a way of calling, conveying and inviting people towards the message of Islam, towards Allah, towards the Truth, towards the right path prescribed by the Almighty Allah for all of mankind. The call of Da’wah invites, inclines, and encourages people to voluntarily submit to the Will of Allah, by worshipping Him alone and following His commandments.

Another component of the Program is Ramadan. Since it is obligatory for the poor to fast Ramadan, it is important for the rich and able Muslims to provide iftar for the vulnerable poor hence CIDA-Uganda operating the Ramadan component of the Program for the sake of feeding the poor and needy Muslims.

Qurban is the last component of the Program with an emphasis on sacrificing animals and provide meat for the need Muslims and any other members of the society.


Da‘wah, in essence, was the call of all the Messengers and Prophets of God. They were selected by the Almighty to call people to submit and worship Allah, following the path of Islam. They called people out of darkness into light by summoning them to worship the One True God and shun false deities. Prophet Muhammad is the last and final Prophet and Messenger of God sent to mankind.

Without any more Prophets to guide us, it becomes a noble obligation for Muslims to convey the Message of God; guiding mankind to the truth. In Prophet Muhammad’s final farewell sermon, he ended this powerful message with the words, ‘Let those who are present convey to those who are not present.’ Dawah

For those that feel they don’t have the time to spread the word of Islam, CIDA Uganda encourages them to finance the way of Allah with their money and in any other way possible we request the Almighty Allah to reward them abundantly. We must realize that those currently spreading the word are themselves busy people who make time in their hectic schedules for Da’wah; an activity they see as an obligation. This is what God expects from them; something they do in exchange for the great rewards that await them.

Additionally, God states that the best manner of speech one can utter in this world is those words of invitation that draw people to God’s religion; inviting others to grasp and comprehend the purpose of their creation. God states about inviting others to Islam: “And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, “Indeed, I am of the Muslims” (Quran 20:23-24).

CIDA-Uganda implements four different programs which include the following:

1. Da’wah on Islands

2. Da’wah in Rural Areas

3. Urban Da’wah

4. Muslim-Christian Dialogues


Ramadan occurs in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and Muslims worldwide observe this as a month of fasting. While fasting from dawn until sunset, Muslims refrain from consuming food and drinking liquids.

Since Ramadan is a time for Muslims to be charitable and fasting helps Muslims feel compassion for the hungry and less fortunate, many needy Muslims lack what to eat during Ramadan, a gap that CIDA-Uganda is trying to close through feeding the needy.

The Ramadan Program also provides a great opportunity for volunteers to experience Ramadan in Uganda while helping socially disadvantaged families and brightening the daily life of poor women, men and children in poor neighborhoods through providing food (Al Iftar) at the end of each day or at the beginning of Ramadan where Ramadan kits are provided to selected poor families.

Volunteers will also have the opportunity over this time to organize workshops on Islamic religion, ethics and values, and teach languages. Volunteers who wish to participate on the Ramadan Program need to be practicing Muslims.


Qurbani is also known as Udihya is an act done for the pleasure of Allah (SWT). On Eid al-Adha, meat is shared with people in need to commemorate the tradition of Ibrahim (AS). It is an act of devotion towards Allah SWT and an act of giving to hungry families in their time of need providing them with nutritious food.

Since the time of Prophet Mohammad, Muslims have sacrificed animals (qurbaani) on the day to honour Ibrahim’s spirit of sacrifice. Sacrificing on Eid-al-Adha is mandatory in Islam only for those who can afford it.

The festival has a clear message of piety, charity as well as equality. Allah SWT mentions in the Holy Qur’an Surah No.22, Al Hajj, Ayat No.37

لَنْ يَنَالَ اللَّهَ لُحُومُهَا وَلَا دِمَاؤُهَا وَلَكِنْ يَنَالُهُ التَّقْوَى مِنْكُمْ كَذَلِكَ سَخَّرَهَا لَكُمْ لِتُكَبِّرُوا اللَّهَ عَلَى مَا هَدَاكُمْ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُحْسِنِينَ

Neither their flesh reaches Allah nor their blood, but it is your piety that reaches Him. Allah has subjected these animals to you so that you should glorify Him for the guidance He has given you. And, O Prophet, give good news to those who do righteous works.

With CIDA-Uganda in line with Islamic teachings, you can donate a sheep, goat, cow or even a cow share which is 1/7th of a whole cow and permitted as Qurban or you can donate as many animals as you can.