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Our Blog

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Through implementation of different approaches, we saves lives and gives many people the opportunity to see medical professionals.

Relief Program

We define Relief as financial or practical assistance given to those in special need or difficulty. Helping against catastrophes or difficulties.

Building Mosques

CIDA-Uganda aims at establishment of Mosques to enable Muslims have adequate places for worship especially in rural areas.


CIDA-Uganda holds agricultural workshops around Uganda teaching local Muslims and the community at large how to provide for their nutritional needs.


Quran Memorization

CIDA-Uganda encourages donors to sponsor children studying Islamic religion and those safeguarding the Quran through Quran Memorization and recitation.

Dawah, Ramadhan and Qurban

CIDA-Uganda designed the Da’wah component of the program as a way of calling, conveying and inviting people towards the message of Islam.

Skilling the Youths in the West Nile Region of Uganda

CIDA Uganda is creating a critical mass of healthy and productive human capital, out of Uganda’s young population age structure.

Build a school for the Orphans

Join Us to build a school for 2,000 orphans in Uganda. Let us bridge hope to these less privileged children and shine their abilities.

New office Launched

CIDA Uganda has launched its Brand new offices at Mutungo in Kampala.

Orphans' School Construction Project

Donate to CIDA Uganda to enable us build a school for 4,000 Orphans in Uganda.

Orphanage Center Construction Project

Help Us Build a home for the Orphan Children in Kampala