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Thanks to your giving, we can provide food for the hungry, and safety for peope in need of relief & refuge after a natural disasters. Since January 2021, CIDA Uganda has worked in a number of Refugee Settlements in Uganda offering emergency efforts and support currently focusing on water, sanitation, and hygiene, shelter, livelihoods, and school constructions. CIDA Uganda works in direct partnership with refugee and host communities to promote peaceful co-existence and ensure respect for human dignity.

In the past months, several natural disasters in the form of flash flooding, landslides, mudslides and sinking terrain have plagued the Rwenzori, Teso and Mt. Elgon regions. Two recent in Bududa, Butaleja and Bulmabuli, CIDA Uganda directly responded to such events, which are more and more frequent with the increasing impacts of climate change. our relief activities carried out from June – August 2022 allowed CIDA Uganda, consortium partners, and the larger response community in Uganda to understand, improve, and better execute market-based programming in areas prone to natural disasters in Uganda.

With a continued influx of refugees into the country because of regional instability, the World Bank projects a further decline in economic growth among hosting communities and countries such as Uganda.

Therefore, CIDA-Uganda believes in the necessity of helping of Ugandans in need or other friends in different parts of the world, especially Africa all in compliance with God's commands, Sunna of His Prophet Mohamed (PBUH)


When there is a crisis we respond. From medical care, emergency shelter, legal advocacy and everything in between our hearts believe that we should respond to injustice and suffering.

1. Project Orphans is committed to protect and respond to neglect and abuse of children including harmful social norms such as female genital mutilation, rape, defilement, child marriage and child labor. We believe family is the first line of protection for children. Through educational programs and supporting parents or caregivers — we work to build a protective and loving home and community.

2. Karamoja region of Uganda, East Africa, is classified as one of the world's poorest areas. Nearly half the population is on the brink of starvation due to high food prices caused by the war in Ukraine and drought caused by climate change. We will provide emergency relief such as food, water, medicine, and other essential supplies to the most vulnerable individuals in the region and support their agricultural activities to increase their resilience in the long term. 41% of the population (about 517,800 people) is at risk of hunger, especially from March to July of 2022, an increase of more than 100,000 people from last year. 626 people died of starvation in Kotido Prefecture, the worst-affected area of the region, from February to July 2022, especially the elderly and children. Soring food prices tied to the war in Ukraine and drought due to the climate-crisis have made it extremely difficult to produce food in this region.

Your donation will help provide hunger relief and long-term support to the most vulnerable in the region. First, we provide food assistance to save lives from hunger. Second, we provide irrigation facilities and support agricultural activities to improve food production capacity and resilience. We also help them learn crop seed production, vegetable cultivation, and post-harvest handling techniques. Through this comprehensive support, we help people escape hunger and become self-reliant.

Emergency food assistance saves lives in the current crisis. At the same time, the project will improve the resilience of vulnerable populations by establishing a foundation for sustainable food production, ensuring a self-sufficient food supply, and increasing income through the development of irrigation facilities and support for agricultural production activities. By helping people to adapt to various difficulties and risks, the project aims to achieve sustainable development in the regionCIDA-Uganda‘s relief program is extended majorly through the following categories :

1.Disaster Response

When CIDA-Uganda hears about an occurrence round Uganda, it takes the initiative to help, relieve the agony & spread hope. During days of disaster, CIDA-Uganda opens her doors to every human irrespective of any religion or nationality and what remains at the back of our mind is that we are serving Humanity.

2.Food for the poor and Elderly

According to Abu Said al-Khudhri(Radiyallahu Anhu; “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

‘If a believer feeds another believer in hunger, Allah will feed him from the fruits of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection. If a believer quenches the thirst of another believer, Allah will give him a pure drink (which is sealed to drink) on the Day of Resurrection.

And if a believer clothes another believer when he is unclothed, then Allah will clothe him with green garments of Paradise.’ Abu Dawud in al-Sunan, 2:130 Hadith #168, and, al-Tirmidhi in al-Sunan,Ch.: (8), 4:633 Hadith #2449.} We operate in communities where people especially the Poor, widows, and Elderly are dieing due to hunger. of Food is extended the )

3.Clothing the needy

According to Umar bin al-Khattab(Radiyallahu Anhu) “The Messenger of Allah(peace be upon him) was asked: ‘Which deeds are the best?’

He said: ‘(The most excellent deed is) your provision of contentment to a believer by warding off his hunger or clothing him to cover his nakedness or meeting any of his needs.’ al-Tabarani in al-Mujam al-Awsat, 5:202 Hadith #5081)

Abdallah bin Abbas(Radiyallahu Anhu) heard the Messenger of Allah(peace be upon him) saying: “If a Muslim clothes another Muslim, he will remain in the protection of Allah until a shred of that cloth is left on him.” Al-Tirmidhi in al-Sunan, Ch.: (41), 4:651 Hadith #2484. •al-Tabarani in al-Mu’jam al-KabÏr, 12:97 Hadith #12591)

CIDA-Uganda through cloth donations, distributes clothes to orphans, widows, the poor, Imams and other needy Muslims.