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Economic and social empowerment of remote communities in Uganda

We aim at Empowering and Reducing Vulnerabilities of Youth and Women in city slums and rural areas to address high level of ignorance and low capacity of communities, stakeholders and duty bearers to mobilize youth / women to handle sensitive matters like low household income.


The project “Empower Women – Benefit for All is taking place in Uganda. Started 2023 and is to be carried on until 2028 with support from donation and fundraisings partners. The programme is to be implemented in 6 Districts of Uganda. The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to economic and political empowerment of women from low-income rural and semi-urban regions. .

The goal of the project is to contribute to the economic and social empowerment of women. In order to improve the livelihood of women and men, low-income farmers are made aware of the impacts of the traditional agriculture systems on soil depletion and introduced to Conservation Agriculture, which is demonstrated to them in farmers’ groups. The farmers also received trainings on Farming as a Business and Village Savings Loan Associations in order to manage and increase their incomes. At the same time, trainings on gender made farmers aware of how gender inequalities are existent in agriculture, the household and other structures and how this can be changed.More than a hundred demonstration plots to demonstrate Conservation Agriculture will be established, reaching 2300 farmers, of which 70% shall be women and 30% men, who shall participate in the project via trainings, demonstrations and farming.

CIDA-Uganda, Economic Empowerment involve providing people, usually disadvantaged women, men, youths and people with Disabilities (PWDs) with the required informal education, training and skills that they need to find a job, earn an income and become self-supporting. Economic independence can change a person’s life through self sustainance leading to increased productivity, happiness and self satisfaction.

CIDA-Uganda does all these right from educating marginalised people in basic literacy and numeracy to providing various skills training and providing small capital for business start ups.

Under Economic Empowerement Program, there are the following four projects running for the empowerement of intended beneficiaries.

(i) Women Economic Empowerement

(ii) Youth Empowerment Programs

(iii) People with Disabilities (PDWs) Economic Empowerement.

(iv) Universal Skills Development (for all marginalized segments of society)

CIDA-Uganda agricultural r workshops train people in sustainable food production and preservation skills to those struggling to feed their families. Over the course of two days trainees are taught survival gardening techniques using drip irrigation, raised garden beds, composting and mulching, seed transplanting and basic garden management. After completing the workshop attendees are given a drip irrigation kit to take with them back to their communities to start their own gardens. We also hold workshops that teach methods for drying and preserving food, often in conjunction with the food production workshop.


Islam is a religion that has always supported learning and knowledge. It is compulsory for every Muslim, male or female to gain knowledge in order to survive in this world. The significance of education in Islam can be proved through numerous references from the Quran. This clearly shows that education holds a very high status in Islam and it does not only support peace and love but also strongly supports learning and knowledge.

At CIDA-Uganda, the priority is given to orphans and any other vulnerable children. Education for the girl child is also of utmost consideration.

Orphans Sponsorship.

The Orphan sponsorship program emphasizes on taking care of the needs of the orphans who have lost either one of their parent or both their parents. They are supported in terms of education and all the necessities that are required to live a healthy and happy life and make them a productive and essential member of the society.


• Education sponsorship of orphans right from Primary school to university

• Ensuring that all the needs of the orphan are met and trying to compensate the loss of their parent or parents.

• Providing sponsorship to needy families like those of prisoner’s families and to those especially facing difficult situations in life.